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WorkDoes eating meat really raise your risk of type 2 diabetes? - New Scientist (No paywall) Red and processed meat in particular have been linked to type 2 diabetes before, but some have argued that the evidence is weak. To get a better understanding of the situation, Nita Gandhi Forouhi at the University of Cambridge and her colleagues have analysed a massive set of data, gauging the meat consumption of 1.97 million adults, mainly aged 40 to 60,… Work
WorkMike Lynch was getting ready to start again, says former UK cabinet minister Deben said Lynch was determined to campaign against the British extradition arrangements with the US. He said: “What he wanted to do was to change the law so that we can’t have any more of this one-sided extradition system. And he wanted to do it in a way to protect those who would not have had the resources to do what he did. WorkKamala Harris's cost-of-living plan will end in failure - The Economist (No paywall) It is easy enough to understand what is motivating Kamala Harris’s economic strategy. Poll after poll demonstrates that many Americans consider the cost of living to be their main concern heading into the election in November, and Ms Harris starts on the back foot, having served as vice-president during a time when inflation soared to a four-decade high. Rather than gloss over this ugly reality, she is trying to confront it. “Lower costs for American families” is the centrepiece of her economic agenda, a message she is likely to deliver again on August 22nd, in a speech to the Democratic National Convention. WorkWork WorkWorkRussia Seeks to Turn Humbling Incursion Into Military Gains The Kursk invasion “is certainly a blow to the Kremlin’s reputation,” Tatiana Stanovaya, a Russian political scientist, wrote on social media on Tuesday. But “it is unlikely to spark a significant rise in social or political discontent among the population, nor will it lead to an elite rebellion.” WorkLate Night Suspects Convention Is a 'Bitter Pill' for Biden “But hey, just because something’s on late at night, that doesn’t mean it’s not important, you know? I mean, people will stay up if they really want to see something, right? Or, you know, at least watch it on YouTube the next day?” — SETH MEYERS WorkJennifer Lopez Files for Divorce From Ben Affleck In the spring of 2021, tabloids lit up with headlines that Ms. Lopez and Mr. Affleck were dating again. In July 2022, the superstars were wed at a midnight ceremony in Las Vegas, complete with a pink Cadillac convertible. They held a celebration with family and friends in Georgia in August, with Ms. Lopez wearing a Ralph Lauren gown and a sweeping veil. WorkWork WorkWork TradeBriefs Publications are read by over 10,00,000 Industry Executives |
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