A decision must be made. The facts have been assembled, and the arguments for and against the options spelled out, but no clear evidence supports any particular one. Now people around the table turn to the CEO. What they're looking for is good judgment - an interpretation of the evidence that points to the right choice.
Judgment - the ability to combine personal qualities with relevant knowledge and experience to form opinions and make decisions - is "the core of exemplary leadership" according to Noel Tichy and Warren Bennis (the authors of Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls). It is what enables a sound choice in the absence of clear-cut, relevant data or an obvious path. To some degree we are all capable of forming views and interpreting evidence. What we need, of course, is good judgment.
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Editor's Note: The beauty queen rode an autorickshaw to her alma mater on Tuesday, her father in the driver's seat and her mother holding her hand sitting at the back, a family that dared to dream big and gave it their all to make it come true. Miss India 2020 runner-up Manya Singh's father Omprakash led the 18-vehicle strong autorickshaw rally for the one kilometre-long stretch, from the end of Thakur village area to her college, the Thakur College of Science and Commerce, the humble three-wheeler getting pride of place in the celebration of her win.
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