| From the Editor's Desk
Gen X workers want different benefits. Companies are answering the call. Gen X are at a crossroads in their personal lives. Wedged between Baby Boomers and millennials, this generation is in the 'sandwich' phase of life. They're largely responsible for caring for their aging parents while providing for their school-aged children, all while managing their own lives, careers and health.
If organisations are eager to hold onto their Gen X workers, roughly defined as those born between 1965 to 1980, they need to respond to these challenges.
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WorkRussia hikes key rate to 15% in bigger-than-expected rise \"It looks like today\'s interest rate hike front-loaded the tightening cycle in response to the fiscal announcements earlier this month,\" said Liam Peach, senior emerging markets economist at Capital Economics.
WorkEvidence mounts of North Korean arms to Russia in threat for Ukraine “For Russia, the supply of strike munitions is increasing. In October 2022, Russia was producing approximately 40 long-range missiles a month. Now it is producing over 100 a month,” wrote Jack Watling, a senior research fellow for land warfare at Rusi, in a recent report entitled Ukraine Must Prepare for a Hard Winter. � |  | WorkPro-Moscow Ukrainian politician shot in apparent assassination attempt They included the car bombing near Moscow that killed Darya Dugina, the daughter of the Russian far-right philosopher Alexander Dugin, as well as the deaths of senior Russian commanders in Ukraine and the fatal shooting of a Russian submarine captain who had revealed his location online using the fitness app Strava.
WorkRussia’s Central Bank Raises Rates to 15 Percent to Curb Inflation Ivan Nechepurenko has been a Times reporter since 2015, covering politics, economics, sports and culture in Russia and the former Soviet republics. He was raised in St. Petersburg, Russia, and in Piatykhatky, Ukraine. More about Ivan Nechepurenko � |  | | � |  | | | WorkU.S. Tries New Tack on Russian Disinformation: Pre-Empting It Steven Lee Myers covers misinformation for The Times. He has worked in Washington, Moscow, Baghdad and Beijing, where he contributed to the articles that won the Pulitzer Prize for public service in 2021. He is also the author of “The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin.” More about Steven Lee Myers
WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkGoogle commits to invest $2 billion in OpenAI competitor Anthropic  \"It\'s a really unusual time from a business perspective because there\'s just so much demand for large language models and really more demand than the industry can currently provide,\" Amodei said at the time. \"The landscape is just very wide, and there\'s really quite a lot of room for many different users and types of users to make use of these systems.\" WorkWorkGoogle paid $26 billion in 2021 to become the default search engine on browsers and phones  The other portion of the overall TAC figure Google reports in earnings consists of the payments it makes to \"distribution partners who make available our search access points and services,\" according to the 10-K. Google says its \"distribution partners include browser providers, mobile carriers, original equipment manufacturers and software developers.\" This is the portion of TAC that appeared to be represented by the slide, which referred only to Search+ revenue. WorkClose Confidants of Sam Bankman-Fried Have Testified at His Trial  Prosecutors then played a clip from an interview that Mr. Bankman-Fried gave ABC’s “Good Morning America” days before FTX filed for bankruptcy in November. In that interview, Mr. Bankman-Fried offered up one of the theoretical options that Mr. Sun had provided him as an explanation for what happened to FTX’s customer money. WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkAchieving the 'American dream?' A lot of it depends on where you grow up  Friedman noted that while improvements could be made to the U.S. financial aid system. Data on aid awards from the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation given to Nebraska high school graduates showed only about an 8% increase, from a base of 62%, in the fraction of people who went to a four-year college. WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkDid A.I. Write Product Reviews? Gannett Says No.  The NewsGuild also said on X that the articles were a “transparent attempt by Gannett to union-bust by threatening reporters with the loss of their jobs” after Reviewed union members staged a two-day walkout this month in protest for a new contract. WorkWorkWorkWorkSam Bankman-Fried blames everyone but himself for FTX’s approach to risk management, including a trillion-dollar trading disaster  © 2023 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information | Ad Choices FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice.S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. WorkWorkJPMorgan Chase stock slips after bank says CEO Jamie Dimon is selling 1 million shares  Mr. Dimon continues to believe the company\'s prospects are very strong and his stake in the company will remain very significant. He and his family currently hold approximately 8.6 million shares, and in addition he continues to have unvested Performance Share Units relating to 561,793 shares and Stock Appreciation Rights relating to 1,500,000 shares, subject to the terms and conditions of each grant. |
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