A couple of months back, I faced this situation, where the Business objects returned me an error message “Broadcast agent offline”.While trying to analyze the error, being a beginner, I found out that there were really more than one reasons for this.I summarize a few of them here so that Others can benefit from it.Be sure to add any. if you know of one.This will help other developers out there so that they dont have to re invent the wheel.
Here are some reasons for Business Objects Broadcast agent to go offline:
1. Resource contention
2. Monitoring of Broadcast agent turned off in the admin panel of Business Objects.
3. Broad cast agent disabled
4. There is not enough disk space for log file( Yes, It did happen!)
Some Solutions that worked are:
1. Turn On the monitoring of BCA.
2. Check and rectify any resource contentions
3. Regenerate BOMAIN key??( I havent tried it, but was advised on an online forum )
4. Restart the webiserver.
5. Check the read/write permissions
Well, I will add more as I get to learn more.
Till then, see Ya!
PS: This post is a result of my discussion with my Friends, Colleagues and searching internet. Pls post here or mail me at aravindts1 AT rediffmail DOT COM if you know any more reasons/solutions.
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